Golden Road Acupuncture

About Me

I am Mary Catherine, and I’m licensed to perform acupuncture in the State of Missouri.  I love this work.  I have spent the last 10 years positioning myself so I could provide “Traditional Chinese Medicine” to those who want a unique path to health.  I hold a Master’s of Oriental Medicine from Southwest Acupuncture College in Boulder, Colorado, and am board certified by NCCAOM.

Just like others, I have experienced the 8 to 5 job with the healthcare provided.  Yet, I learned that for vibrant health, I had to reach beyond the structure of what was provided to me.  Practicing yoga, tai chi and qi gong was a start.  I also found myself visiting holistic practitioners, homeopaths, chiropractors, rolfers and Oriental medicine practitioners.  It was love at first sight, when I began to experience Oriental medicine back in the early 1990’s.  I went from Oriental doctors, to acupuncturists, to Oriental trained herbalist, as I wanted to visit as many practitioners as I could to receive the full experience.  My body simply responded well to this work, and I truly fell in love with the medicine.

When I work with a patient, I take time to learn about you.  I want to know the history of how you came to be just as you are now, sitting in front of me.  There is listening, and there is analyzing, and from there, a plan.  Most patients relax on the table for a treatment.  Some may stay in the chair for a simple and quick ear acupuncture.  If you choose the longer table treatment, there is time to relax after the needles are inserted.  Many fall asleep for a few minutes.  Often after a brief sleep, patients speak of a deep peace which comes over them.  Over the course of a few hours to a few days, many patients find less pain, less anxiety and various other body issues are better.

Often there will be other modalities added to a treatment, such a moxa.  This is the herb mugwort which is used to warm deficient or cold patients.  The fall and winter months are a prime time to receive a moxa treatment, as the frigid weather often leaves the body feeling cold and sometimes in pain.  Moxa warms from the inside out.  It’s much easier to maneuver the cold of winter when one is warm at the core and throughout.  That said, moxa is only offered, if it is appropriate for patient at the time of the visit.

I am currently in transition with my physical practice.  As of now, I offer tele-health visits to support a pathway to well-being.  This can include listening to current concerns, feedback recommendations as well as nutritional support.

There are also “Traveling Acupuncture” appointments available within the greater Kansas City area.  Contact me to see if you reside in the travel area and qualify for this service.

I look forward to working with you.